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Hindistan Cevizi Sabunu

Hindistan Cevizi Sabunu

Dermoten® Hindistan Cevizi Sabunu, soğuk sıkım hindistan cevizi yağı (Cocos nucifera) içeren gliserin bazlı, şeffaf bir sabundur. Hindistan cevizi yağı, cilt ve saç bakımında sıkça kullanılan değerli bir yağdır. Hoş ve egzotik kokusuyla cildinizi nazikçe temizler. Dermoten® Hindistan Cevizi Sabunu, dermatolojik olarak test edilmiştir. İçindekiler: Aqua, Gliserin, Sodyum Stearat, Propilen Glikol, Sorbitol, Sodyum Laurat, Sodyum Laureth Sülfat, Sodyum Lauryl Sülfat, Parfüm, Sodyum Klorür, Stearik Asit, Laurik Asit, Cocos Nucifera Yağı, Pentasodyum Pentetat, Tetrasodyum Etidronat, Kumarin, Limonen, Heksil Sinamal, Linalool, Sitronellol. Kullanım: Sabah ve akşam uygulanabilir. Düzenli kullanılması önerilir.
Lead Glass - x-ray glass, lead glass

Lead Glass - x-ray glass, lead glass

Lead Glass (radiation shield glass) provides excellent protection against gamma and X-rays. When it comes to protection from harmful radiation, there is no compromise. Therefore, more and more customers in the medical, science and industry fields are German origin high quality and safe. it uses radiation shield glass. Siemens, Toshiba and many large companies have opted for the use of high quality lead glass. Lead glasses must have serial number and quality certificate. The direct contact of radiation is of great importance in terms of occupational health and safety of the working personnel. It is the only brand in Germany that produces lead glass (radiation protective glass) and directly processes it in a specialized manner. Thanks to its high density, it offers high X-ray absorption and fully meets the requirements of the German Standardization Institute, European Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission.